Finished Dosage

Comfora 100 mg tablets contain pentosan polysulfate, an anticoagulant that manages interstitial cystitis symptoms. IC is a chronic condition which causes bladder wall irritation, resulting in pressure, pain, and persistent urinary urgency.

QmaxSil 8 mg tablets contain silodosin which improves urinary function in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or an enlarged prostate. It relieves symptoms like difficulty initiating urination, incomplete bladder emptying, weak flow, frequency, urgency, and nocturia.

Self Matters
We live in an age where medicine has advanced greatly to address major diseases and our longevity has increased to 70-80 years. But there still remain many orphan and neglected diseases, diseases that affect a smaller number of people, that are often overlooked. The people affected by these diseases suffer endlessly without finding appropriate cures. With Self Matters, our goal is to bring attention to these diseases, and provide solutions that optimize and improve the quality of our lives.